Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Skill Acolyte - Priest ( ME Type )

Nah skill ini dibuat untuk support serta bisa kill undead dengan ME alias Magnus Exorcismus

dari aco job 50 hingga Priest job 50 ^^ 

Acolyte - Job 50

Divine Protection - 5

Ruwach - 1

Warp - 4

Pneuma - 1

Heal - 10

Increase Agi - 10

Blessing - 10

Aqua Benedicta - 1

Angelus - 7

Priest ME - Job 50

Increase SP Recovery - 4

Impositio Magnus - 3

Suffragium - 3

Aspersio - 4

Sanctuary - 3

Status Recovery - 1

Ressurection - 1

Safety Wall - 3

Kyrie Eleison - 4

Magnificat  - 3

Gloria - 1

Lex Divina - 5

Turn Undead - 3

Lex Aeterna - 1

Magnus Exorcismus - 10

Note Buat Priest : Only For ME Type.. ^^

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Skill Mage - Wizard

I'll share my skill list for mage job 50 to wizard job 50 right now.. i hope this one will be useful to everyone ^^

Mage - 50

Sight - 1

Cold Bolt - 10

Frost Driver - 4

Lightening Bolt - 10

FIre Bolt - 10

Fire Ball - 5

Fire Wall - 4

THunder Storm - 3

Napalm Beat - 1

Stone Curse - 1

Wizard - 50

Sense - 1

Sightrasher - 2

Frost Nova - 1

Meteor Storm - 10

Lord of Vermilion - 10

Storm Gust - 10

Jupiter Thunder - 10

Ice Wall - 4

Water Ball - 1

Note For Wizard - if you dont want to take the "Water Ball" then put the poin in "Fire Pillar"

also the same for "Frost Nova" if you dont want it then put the poin to "Fire Pillar"

and change the "Ice Wall" to 3 so you can get "Fire Pillar" for 3 either..
